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Developer friendly no code


Xano is committed to protecting the privacy of our users and their customers.

Xano continually champions initiatives that prioritize and improve the security and privacy of customer personal data, and we want you, as a Xano customer, to feel confident using our services in light of GDPR requirements. If you partner with Xano, we will support your GDPR compliance efforts by:

  • Committing in our Privacy Policy to comply with GDPR in relation to processing of customer personal data.
  • Offering additional security capabilities and features that may help you better protect data that is most sensitive.
  • Disclosing Subprocessors and offering documentation to assist you in your privacy assessment of our services.
  • Continuing to evolve our capabilities as the regulatory landscape changes.

You should review this document in conjunction with our Privacy Policy and potentially contact a specialist for legal advice.

What role Does Xano's third-party ISO/IEC 27001, and SOC 2/3 reports play in compliance with the GDPR?

Our third-party ISO/IEC certifications and SOC 2/3 audit reports can be used by customers to help conduct their risk assessments and help them determine whether appropriate technical and organizational measures are in place.

Xano is a Data Processor

  • Xano is a data processor for any personal data made available by our customers.
  • Xano clients will usually act as the data controller for any personal data made available to Xano.


GDPR Letter of Attestation 2024